
Using TRIUMF VPN from Linux

VPN Client-software:  OpenConnect

It is available in the package repositories of most common Linux distributions.

Installing OpenConnect - Use your system packager manager

Check your connection -  Do this before and after connecting

Start with the command-line interface, because it is easier to troubleshoot.

Command-Line Usage

sudo openconnect --protocol=nc --no-dtls

Authenticate with TRIDENT credentials.

Terminate the connection with: Ctrl-c

 For the curious: Why opening a VPN connection requires root privileges

Other Command-Line Options

Provide your username with:   --user username
See verbose output and timestamps with:   --verbose   --timestamp

Warning:  With verbose output, your password will be visible in plain-text so be careful if someone is looking over your shoulder, or when sending your output to someone else for help with troubleshooting.